Upaya Divisi Marketing Celebrity Fitness Bintaro Untuk Mempertahankan Loyalitas Pelanggan


  • Sophie Nabilah
  • Anggun Putri Dewanggi


This research explains about the marketing division whom applies the strategy of Public Relations which has been used to gain customers and then keep them. This research with the title of “The Effort of The Marketing Division of Celebrity Fitness Bintaro to Keep the Loyalty of Customers” has the problem formulation of how are the strategies of Public Relations in the marketing division of Celebrity Fitness Bintaro to keep the loyalty of customers. This research aims to discover the effort of promotion by the Marketing Division of Celebrity Fitness Bintaro to also keep the customer’s loyalty. The theory used in this research is CRM or Customer Relationship Management by Judith Kincaid . The research method used is a descriptive – qualitative with a post – positivism paradigm. The subjects of research are the Marketing division and the member of Celebrity Fitness Bintaro. The collection of data obtained trough observation and in-depth interviews. The result of this research is that the Marketing Division of Celebrity Fitness applied the CRM that are divided into three main components such as People, Process and Technology in providing a well communication service so that it can help in making the decisions of the members to stay in Celebrity Fitness Bintaro. Social media has a great role between the Marketing and customers. Theoritical suggestion is to have more researches about the function of CRM in maintaining the customer’s loyalty and how the CRM can solve the problems complained by the customers. Practical suggestion is that Celebrity Fitness should not demand the customer’s to give official documents for membership postponement.






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