Implementasi Employee Relations Pada Koperasi Pegawai Bank Indonesia


  • Puji Triyandari
  • Anggun Putri Dewanggi


Implementation, Organizational Communication, and Employee Relations


Koperasi Pegawai Bank Indonesia (KOPEBI) is a cooperative that plays an important role in improving the welfare of its members who are Bank Indonesia employees. In providing services to members, KOPEBI provides a variety of services that can help each member need according to their roles and functions. This study aims to determine the implementation of KOPEBI. This research method is qualitative descriptive. The research subjects were employees of the Bank Indonesia Cooperative. This study uses the post-positivism paradigm and qualitative approach. The model used in this study is symmetrical two-ways Grunig Hunt. From the results of the study, the implementation of employee relations in KOPEBI is a good relationship, good communication between superiors and subordinates (or two-way). The cause of the decline in employee performance at KOPEBI is one of which is influenced by the lack of fulfillment of the needs of employees, especially for resting and vacationing. To realize the implementation of employee relations well and on target, it is realized by various programs of employee relations implementation, such as Thursday, coffee morning, joint sports, familly gathering and employee gathering. KOPEBI will make improvements and optimize examples such as family gatherings, not only done per unit division but for all KOPEBI employees and their leaders. This is done so that employees have more sense of togetherness. The conclusion in this study is that the implementation of employee relations conducted by the Bank Indonesia Cooperative has a positive impact on increasing company growth.






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