Upaya Hubungan Masyarakat (Humas) Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) Dalam Membangun Kesadaran Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Di Kalangan Remaja
Efforts, consciousness, drugs, adolescents.Abstract
The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) is an Indonesian Non-ministerial government institution (LPNK) that has the responsibility to address drug problems. The research problem in this research is how do The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations efforts in establishing the awareness of drug abuse in adolescents. This research aimed to find out The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations efforts in establishing the awareness of drug abuse among adolescents. This research used the concept of public relations PENCILS from Prof. Philip Kotler, to investigate The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations efforts in establishing awareness of drug abuse among adolescents. The research used a post-positivism paradigm that develops statements with multiple assumptions and equipped with data. This research used qualitative methods with a qualitative descriptive approach. In this research, the researcher was used observation and interview with The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations in collecting data. The research subject was an informant of The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations. The research object in this research was The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations efforts in establishing the awareness of drug abuse in adolescents. The result of this research is The National Narcotics Agency’s public relations efforts to build awareness of drug abuse among adolescents is good enough by doing various ways based on the components that are found in the mix of PENCILS Includes Publications, Event, News, Community Involvement, Identity Media, Lobbying, Social Investment.