Pembingkaian Berita Demo Mahasiswa Menolak Revisi Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP)
News, Student Demonstrations Refuse to Revise the Criminal CodeAbstract
This study aims to determine the framing of student demo news rejecting the revision of the Criminal Code on and online media. The theory used in this research is Framing Robert M. Entman, and the concepts that complement include news and online media. The paradigm of this research is constructivism, the research approach is qualitative with the research method used is Framing Robert M. Entman. The results of the research are in the online media related to the news of the Student Demo Refusing to Revise the Criminal Code. Defining the problem is a legal problem. The source of the problem from all the news lies in the revision of the Criminal Code and the people involved in it. The moral decision contained in the news was that President Joko Widodo asked the DPR to postpone the ratification of four bills. The solution provided is that although the Criminal Code Bill is postponed by the Parliament and the government, it is hoped that the Criminal Code Bill remains a historical record in the course of this nation. While is related to the news of the Student Demo Refusing the Criminal Code Revision. Defining the problem is a moral problem. The source of the problem from all the news lies in the revision of the Criminal Code and the people involved in it. The moral decision contained in the news was that Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation provided legal assistance to students who were secured by the Jakarta Police. The solution given by is that students who are arrested by the police have the right to legal assistance and the principle of presumption of innocence must be put forward. There must be no violence, no torture.
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