Strategi Komunikasi Marketing Public Relations 212 Mart Dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Periode Agustus 2017 – April 2019


  • Muhammad Rinno Ghiffary Afdholi
  • Liza Dwi Ratna Dewi


Public Relations Strategy Marketing, Three Ways Strategy, 212 Mart Outlets, Sales


The development of the retail business in Indonesia shows a rapid development. The
development of this business is not only colored by conventional retail, but also syari-based retailing or
publicity. One of them was 212 Mart outlets. The 212 mart outlet was born solely not because of
business orientation, but was also encouraged by the spirit of Muslims in Indonesia to play a role in the
development of the societal economy. This study attempts to describe how the strategy of marketing
public relations 212 mart outlets in increasing selling. As an object of research, this research focused on
212 mart outlets in South Tangerang. The paradigm used in this study is constructivist with a qualitative
approach. The research method used as analysis of research data is qualitative descriptive. This research
also relies on Thomas L. Harris's three ways strategy, namely push, pull and pass strategy. The results of
the study show that the use of the Public Relations Marketing strategy was found. The description of the
use of this strategy is Push Strategy (Push Strategy). This strategy is aimed at encouraging and planning
sales targets with programs in the form of cheap basic food bazaars and social activities. With the
existence of this program, it is expected to encourage customers so that customers will choose 212 marts
in repeating purchase transactions. Use of Pull Strategy. The aim is to focus on strategies that attract
public attention so that they are familiar with 212 marts and to increase selling by using the activities at
212 marts carried out with customers. It's like selling vouchers to investors, which will later be given to
memorizers of the Koran or underprivileged people around 212 mart. The last is Pass Strategy. This
strategy is directed at influencing society by reaching the emotional side psychologically. Success in
influencing customers can be done by participating in social activities, such as caring for others by
gathering with orphans, with the aim of caring about the surrounding environment and human activities.
In addition, it aims to reach the emotional psychological side of the customer.






Table of Contents