Pengaruh Event “Music In The Park” Terhadap Pembentukan Brand Image Pada Pengunjung Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall

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Lia Nurulita Elizabeth Ginting


Competition of mall in developing a strategy to form brand image is inseparable from the role of Public Relations. This research is to find out how much the influence of event “Music In The Park” to brand image on  Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall visitors. This study uses the positivism paradigm, a quantitative approach and uses explanative survey methods in obtaining data. In this study shows that the test coefficient of determination R2 (R Square) produces an influence between the event "Music In The Park" to the establishment of Brand Image on Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall visitors of 71.6%, while the remaining 28.4% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study. Based on correlation analysis shows that the correlation coefficient produces a correlation value of 0.846 with a positive value. In addition, the probability value is 0,000 or less than the significant level (<0,05). It means that there is a significant relationship between the influence of the "Music In The Park" event on the establishment of Brand Image on Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall visitors, with a correlation level that is at a very strong level.

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