Representasi Nilai-Nilai Keluarga Dalam Film Searching (Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce)

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Miftachurrohmah . Ahmad Pramegia


Searching film is so many show’s the utilization of social media permormed by a father to uncover kidnapping cases on his daughter by researching digital traces that on the laptop and his daughter social media. The problem in this research is how to know representation of family lives values in utilization of social media in Searching film? The purpose in this research in to know representation of family lives values in utilization of social media in Searching film. This method of research is qualitative with the semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce who departed from three main elements there is sign, object, and interpretant. Analytical techniques that used is qualitative. The foundation theory that used in this reseach is mass communication, mass media, film and semiotics. The reseach result that showing is the searching film appear give a sign, the way David Kim obtain information about existence his doughter through social media, object is image pieces that showed activites David Kim in proces to find information in social media, interpretant is utilization social media become symbol about how highly useful the role of social media if utilization to be source of additional information in proces investigation of kidnapping cases.


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