Perancangan Logo “Ayam Bakar Kalasan Pak Agus” Sebagai Brand Identity

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Yoga Prabowo Ricky Widyananda Putra


Grilled chicken business located in Kalasan area Tanjung Barat, South Jakarta. The business is engaged in the food. One way to be able to survive the market competition that increasingly advanced and continue to thrive is by creating a brand images/logos. For the current efforts of Grilled Chicken Kalasan Pak Agus has no identity that can explain personality and vision of the business field missions because of the lack of visual media that displays the identity of the company. Therefore, designers want to design a logo for identity on Grilled Chicken Kalasan Pak Agus, in order that the identity of the business can be recognized by the audience as well. Works that are created have the elements on the basis of several theories. The end result of this design can create a good identity system so that it is able to create a strong visual character so that the efforts of Grilled Chicken Kalasan Pak Agus can be distinguished from other business areas.

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