Perancangan Video Motion Graphics 2d Mengenai “Tata Cara Shalat Sunnah Dhuha” Untuk Anak Usia 6 – 8 Tahun


  • Ari Molana
  • Nugroho Widya Prio Utomo


Video, Motion Graphics, Electronic Media


The design of this work aims to provide information about the meaning of the Sunnah Dhuha prayer and make it a companion medium to increase knowledge. The formulation of the idea of the creation of this work is that the creator was encouraged to create 2D motion graphics videos. The media used in motion graphics videos is electronic media that is very easy to access and has become a very necessary thing. The method of creating this work is done by studying literature through books, the internet, and field studies, namely observation, interviews with teachers and students. The work created by the creator will be in the form of video, in which there is an understanding of the duha prayer, starting from the hadith and the opinions of the previous scholars, the laws, such as the time of the duha prayer, and the number of prayers. . The conclusion of this work is that this video contains a lot of knowledge, so it is very useful to add insight, made as a companion science that is easy to understand in the presence of images, sounds, and also writing. Science can also be obtained through electronic media.






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