Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Hewan Khas Indonesia Edisi “Badak Bercula Satu” Untuk Anak Usia 4 – 6 Tahun


  • Pebri Dwika
  • Artyasto Jatisidi


llustration, Book, Education, One Horned Rhinoceros


This research is purpose to participate in introducing knowledge of typical Indonesians animals that are almost extinct, especially the “One Horned Rhinoceros” to early childhood through the illustrated books to make it easier for children to understand the material that are presented, and give the new alternative in deliver interesting lessons to children about the typical Indonesian animals that are almost extinct. The idea of creating this work is the creator who wants to make an interesting illustration books. the method of creating this work is by literature review through books, the internet, observation and doing field studies and also the interviews with school principals and parents of students in BKB PAUD Taman Balita Bhakti and interviews with the head of Ujung Kulon National Park Office that are represented by field staff. The conclusion of this work is an illustration that plays an important role in illustrated books and is a very supportive element, as well as the use of colors and the addition of questions in the last 10 pages. The conclusion of this work is illustration that plays an important role in illustrated books and become an supporting elements, and the use of colors and the addition of quizzes in the last 10 pages.






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