Makna Foto Jurnalistik “Naiki Mobil Taktis, Ahok Tiba di Rutan Cipinang” di Media Online 9 Mei 2017 ( Analisis Semiotika Charles Sander Peirce )


  • Dean Rezky Sugianto
  • Muhammad Ikhwan


Journalism Photo, semiotic analysis Charles Sanders Peirce, Online Media,


The purpose of this study is the researchers wanted to know the meaning of photo journalistic uploaded by, related to the news about  Ahok when in verdict related to the case of religious surah Al-Maidah Chapter 51 blasphemy that he did and sentenced to 2 years of detention and seen Ahok stepped down from the tactical car and greeted the media crew with greetings 2 fingers and giving a little smile in online media May 9, 2017. This research method is qualitative by using semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce. The formulation of this research problem is "The Meaning Of Jurnalistic Photo “Ahok Arrives At Cipinang, Using a Military Tactical car” presented by The result of the research by online media on May 9 2017 shows that the picture of Ahok arriving at Cipinang and giving greetings 2 fingers and giving a little smile to the media crowd, is a symbol of his 2 years jail punishment. The gesture also represents his peaceful way in accepting the verdict. The research concludes that there is a presence of non-verbal commuication that should be considered as the meaning of the photo itself. By presenting greetings 2 fingers and giving a little simle to the media crowd, Ahok tried to symbolize his 2 years jail punishment as well as to show his peaceful way in accepting the verdict and ready toexecute his punishment even though its feel hard for his self.






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