Documentary ,Director, Narrative and Indonesian’s VeteranAbstract
Veteran Indonesia is a struggle of the youth and people who oppose the invaders, and become victims as Indonesian warriors in seizing and defending the Indonesian Independence. Veterans born since the struggle of the people and youth throughout Indonesia who fight against the invaders. Along with the development era and technological progress, not a few people who do not know about the history of the nation, especially the history of the struggle. Due to lack of understanding and knowledge of the next generation of generations, especially among adolescents. According to Dr. Drs. Parasian Simanungkalit, SH. MH, even among the high educated positions, including in the TNI and POLRI, quite a few are less familiar with the history of the nation's struggle. In making this work the designer will take the role of director. Through the role of this director, the Work Designer will be able to visualize, then develop it into a production work that can make it easier for the Designer to perform the production process. Here Perancang Karya will also get new lessons and knowledge about job description how to become a director as well as steps in making a documentary work. In this documentary the work of the designer uses a narrative approach to describe the concerns of a veteran named Mark Mangalan against the lifestyle of young people who are currently considered to lack a sense of nationalism and lack of respect for the fighters and veterans. As a director, designer put forward interviews with resource persons as the power of this documentary, and reinforced by insert-insert images, video illustrations, and music illustrations to make this documentary even better.