(Analisis Framing Robert N. Entman pada Tribunnews.com Periode 24-26 Januari 2017)
Construction , Online Media, Framing Robert N. Entman.Abstract
Every mass media has a frame or frame used in preaching a events. Frame is dependent on the interests of media which eventually show construction media over reality. So this research, aims to understand construction online media Tempo.co in framing news of the fall of crane at the Grand Mosque Mecca on a period of 12 september 2015. The incident the fall of crane is in lift because has killed in casualties and the injured were. The research also, use the method of analysis framing with use the model four device framing Robert N. Entman namely pendefinisian problems, estimate a problem or the problem, make a choice moral and emphasized resolution. Researchers used a qualitative approach that is descriptive. The subject of study this is Tempo.co and the object of this research is text news the fall of crane in Masjdil sacred Mecca. Data collection in get is is use primary data is to do observations on the of a news article issued by Tempo.co. Data skunder the study library. The result of this research showed that online media Tempo.co preaching a events the fall of crane at the Grand Mosque Mecca of more refer on the psychological because it is focus on the incident disaster and the amount the number of victims. The conclusion is upon the there from the study, in accordance with a device framing Robert N. Entman see framing in two dimensions large the selection the issue of the incident the fall of crane at the Grand Mosque Mecca that killed in casualties and injuries and found in protrusion referred to aspects psychological is prefer fact of reality that is. Advice on this research is for those who want to analyze a framing, writer suggest in accordance with the point of view of researchers that beneficial.