(Studi Eksplanatif Pada Ibu-ibu Wali Murid PAUD Sanggar Cerdas Ellena Taman Kedaung, Tangerang Selatan)
Television, Uses and Gratification, Knowledge ParentingAbstract
Television is one of mass media that can give influence very large to the broad audiences. Television is a type of mass media capable of presenting two audios, visual media in a concurrent way can attract the attention of a wide audience superior. Television is one of mass media that provides or presents a wide range information globally and always provide a view that can keep up with developments the latest can even create new trends. This research aims to determine is there influence and how much influences the program impressions Smart Mother Episode Handles Children Active Be Creative in TRANSTV to Knowledge Parenting is mother guardians students of PAUD allena school. The theory used in this research is Theory uses and Gratification by using quantitative shortcuts, positivism paradigm, explanative research methods with data collection obtained through the dissemination questionnaire, sampling using probability sampling technique counted 98 persons. Based on statistical test results SPSS version 22 shows there is influence significant between program impressions Smart Mother Episodes Get Acquainted Children Active So Creative (Variable X) with Knowledge Parenting Parent Patterns mothers guardian students of PAUD Ellena Smart School (Variable Y), this can see from the value of determination coefficient of 60.1% meaning that there is a strong influence between the influence of program impressions Mother Smart Episode Deal with Active Child Be Creative in TRANSTV against to knowledge parenting to mother guardians of students of Ellena Smart School.