Design, Visual IdentityAbstract
With the progress of perokonomian in Indonesia is quite developed today brings good impact on the company in Indonesia. With the development of the times, in the business world many companies that compete to attract consumers to buy products that are marketed. In the business world, there is no single company that does not want its products recognized and successful in the market. One way to compete and survive in this growing market is to create an image and visual identity on the product you want to market. Visual identity design plays a role to attract consumer interest and introduce the identity and characteristics of a company. For businesses in the field of services like this, starting to build a brand to recognize the community is not easy, it takes a long process to produce a visual identity that attracts consumers to know the brand. The authors hope that with the presence of visual identity will increase the power of Pull society to use the services of this effort and provide an identity that distinguishes with others.