(Survey Mahasiswa Universitas Budi Luhur Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Angkatan 2015)
S-O-R, Prambors, RadioAbstract
This research aims to find out whether there is Influence of a Sunset Trip Program on Radio Prambors against listening Interest, survey of Student Budi Luhur University, Faculty of Communication Science Force 2015. The interest of researchers in researching a Sunset Trip Program on Radio Prambors against listening Interest To The Program, survey of Student Budi Luhur University, because there are causal of a Sunset Trip Program on Radio Prambors against listening Interest. This research uses the theory of stimulus-organism-response theory or S-O-R, using a quantitative approach. While the data obtained in this study is the Student University of Budi Luhur Faculty of Communication Science 2015 Force asmany as 703 respondents using census techniques as much as 88 samples of respondents using the formula slovin. Way of sampling that is using the technique ofprobability Sampling, the Sampling with the kind of stratify sampling. The statistical test result SPSS 19 showed there was significant influence between the influence of a Sunset Trip Program(X) with an against listening interest (Y). based on the hypothesis test results in significant column of 0.000 < 01 then in this research is significant. The value of R from the research is the correlation relationship 0.607 strong, meaning that Ha2 accepted. The results of a percentage of the R square in the research of 36,8% and the remaining 63,2%. In this study then Ha1 H01 received and rejected, meaning that a Sunset Trip program on radio Prambors impact on students listening Interest University of Budi Luhur Faculty of Communication Science Force 2015.