Manajemen Produser Media Center National Traffic Management Centre Polisi Republik Indonesia (NTMC Polri) Dalam Pengelolaan Distribusi Program Di TV Swasta (Studi Deskripsi Kualitatif pada Berita Satu TV, Kompas TV dan NET TV)

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Fadhillah Azzahra Ahmad Toni


National Traffic Management Centre Polisi Republik Indonesia (NTMC Polri) to intend giving information about safety ride to people. Media Center NTMC Polri led by a producer. Producer of Media Center NTMC Polri in managing the distribution of program on televisions. NTMC Polri doing cooperate with televisions likes Berita Satu TV, Kompas TV and NET TV to giving information about traffic flow. This research uses broadcast management theory by Peter Pringle consisting of Planning, Organizing, Directing and Influencing and Controlling. The research uses construtivism paradigm and qualitative approach with qualittaive descriptive method. The results of this study In planning carried out by Producer Media Center NTMC Polri must be consists on purpose to goals and vision mision in NTMC Polri that’s giving easyly information to public. In this plan also NTMC Polri collaborating with television stations, between Berita Satu TV, Kompas TV and NET TV, about the collaborations by entering slot in program. To organizing, producer of NTMC Polri doing departementalisasion and jobdesk in divisionsaccording to each crew’s expertise. To Directing and Influencing, the producer motivates and communicates to the crewwith leadership style likes friends and there is a shortcourse for the crew. To controlling doing on air and evaluation is useful to avoid mistakes and be better.

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